IR News (Archives)
FY2013 (April 1, 2013 to March 31, 2014)
- Dec. 18, 2013: Notice Regarding Determination of Issuance of Share Options for Subscription (Stock Options for Value)( 37 KB/ 1 pages)
- Nov. 8, 2013: Daiwa House Group's 4th Medium-Term Management Plan Formulated( 682 KB/ 7 pages)
- Nov. 8, 2013: Notification of Payment of an Interim Dividend from Surplus and Change in Year-End Dividend Forecast( 167 KB/ 2 pages)
- Nov. 8, 2013: Notice Regarding Issuance of Share Options for Subscription (Stock Options for Value)( 127 KB/ 8 pages)
- Aug. 15, 2013:Notice Regarding Determination of Number of New Shares to be Issued( 48 KB/ 2 pages)
- Aug. 09, 2013: First Three Months (April 1, 2013 to June 30, 2013)( 159 KB/ 9 pages)
- July 26, 2013: Notice Regarding Determination of Number of New Shares to be Issued( 48 KB/ 2 pages)
- July 23, 2013: Notice Regarding Determination of Issue Price, Disposition Price, Selling Price, etc.( 78 KB/ 3 pages)
- July 5, 2013: Notice Regarding Issuance of New Shares and Disposition of Treasury Shares, and Secondary Offering of Shares( 151 KB/ 10 pages)
- June 27, 2013: Notification of Inclusion of Cosmos Initia as a Subsidiary of Daiwa House Industry by Completion of Capital Increase through Third-Party Share Allotment of New Shares( 67 KB/ 1 pages)
- June 4, 2013: Notification of the Result of the Tender Offer for the Shares in DAIYOSHI TRUST Co., Ltd.( 108 KB/ 4 pages)
- May 10, 2013: Notification of Dividend Payments and Change in Dividend Payment Policy (Payment of Interim Dividends)( 93 KB/ 3 pages)
- May 10, 2013: The Company’s Way of Thinking and Policy on a Reduction in the Share Trading Units( 20 KB/ 1 pages)
- May 10, 2013: Notice on Posting the Impairment Loss( 77 KB/ 2 pages)
- May 9, 2013: CROESUS RETAIL TRUST supported by Daiwa House Industry and Marubeni as strategic partners, launches Initial Public Offering on Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Ltd. ( 53 KB/ 2 pages)
- Apr. 26, 2013: Notice on Posting Non-Operating Income and Extraordinary Income and Loss( 65 KB/ 2 pages)
- Apr. 16, 2013: Notification of the Commencement of the Tender Offer for the Shares in DAIYOSHI TRUST Co., Ltd.( 276 KB/ 28 pages)
- Apr. 16, 2013: Notice on Conclusion of Capital and Operational Alliance with and Inclusion of Cosmos Initia as a Subsidiary by a Capital Increase through Third-Party Share Allotment of New Shares( 225 KB/ 8 pages)