Daiwa House Group

Daiwa House Group

Cooperation in International Initiatives

The Daiwa House Group is working together with companies that have similar goals by actively joining international initiatives to combat international issues.

International initiatives

The first in the global housing and construction industry to join four international initiatives


The ambitious targets for mitigating and adapting to climate change laid out in our long-term environmental vision have been certified as scientifically grounded by the SBTi.
Reaching the EP100 and RE100 goals will be essential to achieving these ambitious targets. In addition to utilizing the TCFD framework as a tool for verifying the rationality of our initiatives on climate change, the Daiwa House Group also intends to actively disclose information to pave the way to constructive dialogue with investors and others.

(Science Based Targets)

The SBTi is an international initiative established by four organizations, namely the CDP, World Resources Institute (WRI), World Wildlife Fund (WWF), and the UN Global Compact (UNGC), and is recognized as a criterion for ESG investment. The initiative encourages companies to set greenhouse gas emission reduction targets for five to 15 years into the future that are consistent with commitments under the Paris Agreement.
At the Daiwa House Group, the greenhouse gas emission reduction targets for mitigating and adapting to climate change that form part of our long-term environmental vision, Challenge ZERO 2055, have been certified as scientifically grounded.
The Group obtained an SBT certification in August 2018 and revised the target to SBT (WB2°C, or well-below 2°C, level) in June 2021. Moreover, the Group raised the short-term target to SBT (1.5°C level) and obtained an SBT net-zero certification in July 2023.

Reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions

Value chain

Target To achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 **SBT (net zero) certification

Business activities (Scope 1 + 2)

Target To reduce GHG emissions from business activities by 70%
by fiscal 2030 (compared to fiscal 2015) **SBT (1.5°C level) certification

Daiwa House Industry Nishi-Kyushu Branch

As well as making an effort to ensure that our newly constructed facilities are net zero energy buildings (ZEBs), we are also improving energy efficiency of existing facilities by rolling out a facility’s energy-saving measures to other facilities, investing in energy saving, and making operational improvements.

We are expanding renewable energy generation plants operated by the Group, primarily in the form of solar power generation systems.

Products and services (Scope 3 Category 11)

Target To reduce GHG emissions from usage of buildings sold by 63%
by fiscal 2030 (compared to fiscal 2015) **SBT (1.5°C level) certification

Left: ZEH product, Right: ZEB PF Automation Co., Ltd.

We intend to accelerate the adoption of environmentally-friendly housing and buildings, including net zero energy houses (ZEHs) and ZEBs.

Procurement (Scope 3 Category 1)

Target Aim to have 90% or more of our principal suppliers share
in the SBT-level GHG emissions reduction targets by 2025 **SBT (1.5°C level) certification

Supplier workshop

To reduce GHG emissions in our supply chain, we will work with our suppliers to implement decarbonization dialogues and other initiatives, set Science-Based Targets consistent with the GHG emission reduction levels required by the Paris Agreement, and promote energy-saving activities.

Long-Term Environmental Vision

(Energy Productivity)

A group of companies that have committed to doubling the energy efficiency of their businesses.

Energy efficiency improvement (EP100)

Target Doubling energy efficiency by 2030 (vs. FY2015)

Daiwa House Toyama Building

The aim is to achieve annual cuts to energy consumption (per unit of sales) of 3% by investing an amount equivalent to 15% of energy costs into energy-efficient facilities.

Daiwa House factories utilize factory energy management systems (FEMSs) to collect and analyze data on things like production volumes and energy use for the purpose of increasing productivity.

(Renewable Energy)

A group of companies that have committed to covering 100% of their businesses’ power needs with renewable energy.

Improving renewable energy utilization rate (RE100)

Target 100% renewable energy-based electricity by 2023

DREAM Solar Wakayama

We are operating renewable-energy generating stations throughout Japan. Total annual generation was 635 GWh in FY2021, 131% of the electricity purchased by the Daiwa House Group.

Renewable energy signage at Funabashi Grand Oasis

For the temporary power used at our construction sites, we are making the switch to electricity sourced from our own renewable-energy generating stations.

(Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures)

The Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures. Its recommendations are intended to encourage appropriate decision-making by investors by urging companies to publish consistent and reliable climate-related financial information in a form that is easily comparable.
The Daiwa House Group expressed its support for the TCFD recommendations in September 2018 and is publishing information proactively to facilitate constructive dialogue with investors and others.

Response to the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)

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International initiatives (social-related)

The Valuable500

The Valuable 500 is an international initiative to promote disability inclusion. The aim of the initiative, launched at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos in January 2019 , is for business leaders to spearhead reform so that people living with a disability can realize their potential in business, social, and economic spheres.

For a Sustainable Future(Site Map)

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