The Daiwa House Group has established rules and policies based on the Company Philosophy, the Management Vision, and the Guidelines for Conduct.
Basic Policy of Respect for Human Rights
The Daiwa House Group declares in its Principles of Corporate Ethics its stance on respect for human rights: "We respect basic human rights and the dignity of all people, and do not discriminate against anyone on the grounds of race, nationality, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, sexual identity, presence / absence of disability, age, creed, or social status."
Principles of Corporate Ethics and Code of Conduct
In 2014, we revised the Principles of Corporate Ethics and Code of Conduct that should be kept in mind and practiced by employees.
Daiwa House Group Basic Procurement Policy
In 2015, we established the “Basic Procurement Policy” to document 10 policies which all employees of the Daiwa House Group should follow when performing their procurement activities.
Supply Chain Sustainability Guidelines
The Supply Chain Sustainability Guidelines list matters which we, at the Daiwa House Group, expect our business partners to observe, thereby representing what our business partners should aspire to be.
We established the guidelines in 2015 as the CSR Procurement Guidelines. In 2023, we made significant changes to the guidelines and renamed them the Supply Chain Sustainability Guidelines.
Basic Safety and Health Policy
Nine companies of Daiwa House Group that are engaged in the construction business* are enhancing the collaboration for and improving the safety and health management activities and working on activities to prevent industrial accidents with the aim of creating a comfortable workplace environment in order to protect employees’ health and safety.
* Nine companies of Daiwa House Group
Daiwa House Industry Co., Ltd., Daiwa Lease Co., Ltd., Fujita Corporation, Daiwa House Reform Co., Ltd., Daiwa House Chintai Reform Co., Ltd., Daiwa Lantec Co., Ltd., Daiwa House Realty Mgt. Co.,Ltd., Daiwa Energy Co., Ltd., DesignArc Co., Ltd.
Principles of Community Co-Creation Activities
The fundamental approach that we use to develop Community Co-creation Activities is espoused in our "Principles of Community Co-creation Activities".
Basic Policy of Anti-corruption
The Daiwa House Group has formulated Anti-Bribery Regulations and Identification Regulations to build a system to strictly prohibit and prevent bribery, money laundering, misappropriation and other corrupt practices contravening the law.