Daiwa House Group

Daiwa House Group

Together with Our Local Residents

Systems related to community coexistence activities

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Long-Term Social Vision

Together with Our Employees

Together with Our Partners

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Systems related to community coexistence activities

Daiwa House Group has offices established throughout Japan, and when performing business activities, we believe it is essential to develop a relationship with the local community. Earning the trust of local citizens is a must for performing business activities in their communities. We have termed our local-level social contribution activities as "regional social contributions," and have drawn up "Principles for regional social contributions" to outline the basic philosophy under which the activities are carried out. (In April 2014, these were revised from the former social contribution activity principles and slogan.) Through shared activities with local citizens, our hope is to earn trust throughout the local community by speaking with its members, becoming aware of its issues, and ultimately working to solve them.
By contributing to the sustainable development of local communities, Daiwa House Group can also develop in a sustainable manner. And by carrying out these activities, we hope to develop a cycle of sustainable development for both parties.

Principles of Community Co-Creation Activities

  1. As a responsible corporate citizen, the Daiwa House Group shall aim at building a society in which every person can enjoy true abundance, always striving to achieve and maintain great harmony with local communities.
  2. The Daiwa House Group shall engage in dialogue with its stakeholders to understand local issues, and take action together with them while making effective use of available resources.
  3. The Daiwa House Group shall encourage its individual employees to actively participate in its Community Co-Creation activities, considering them as opportunities for personal development.

For a Sustainable Future(Site Map)

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