Daiwa House Group

Daiwa House Group

We want individuals, communities, and people’s lifestyles to keep on shining We want individuals, communities, and people’s lifestyles to keep on shining

Livness Town Project We want individuals, communities, and people’s lifestyles to keep on shining

Japan is confronting societal challenges in the form of aging demographics, a low birthrate and shrinking population, and vacant houses.
We live at a time when, with the passing of time, even heavily populated residential areas are seeing major changes in ways of living that have long been taken for granted.

In the future as in the past, there are things we can do in partnership with our customers to ensure continuity.
The Livness Town Project for the revitalization of Neopolises and other legacy suburban housing projects consults with local residents and seeks to maintain a close connection between commercial and residential areas.
This is a manifestation of our desire to build value in the form of places that keep on shining into the future.

Daiwa House Group is bringing everything it has to bear. Now is the time for revitalization.


Livness Town’s priority issues

How do our goals for 2025 differ from where we are now?

Emphasis on dialogue with local residents

Listen carefully to what people have to say about their hopes for the future
to identify what facilities are right for the places where they live.

Submissions on community development obtained through dialogue
Target: 3,000

Current total: 1,202
(as of the end of February 2023)

Fostering of people able to take on community development

Engaging in and expediting resident-led development by recruiting residents with a good knowledge of their local community

Number of participants in development
Target: 1,000

Current total: 401
(as of the end of February 2023)


Partnering with local people to create places that continue to develop, with existing residents able to remain and new residents enticed to move in

Generating buzz through existing and new residents

The aim is to maintain and boost population by fostering engagement among residents to make places where people want to live.

Maintain population

Current population: 42,618
(as of 2020)
* Figures collated by Daiwa House based on the census and basic register of residents

Bringing in facilities inspired by contributors

Addressing problems such as vacant houses by putting foundations in place for attracting new residents from near and far

Neopolis vacancy rate
Target: 0%

Current: 2.15%


Livness Town Project

* Click the markers on the map to learn more…


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