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Environmental Action Plan

Eco-friendly Products & Case

Urban DevelopmentCities with lush greenery


- Lush and Green Urban Development through Harmony with Nature -

Lush green cityscapes that change periodically with the seasons soothe the bodies and minds of those who live in the city, and make life pleasant.
By adding a touch of color to the well-balanced greenery, not only does this give a sense of calm and easy familiarity, trees can provide shade to help beat the summer heat, and the beautiful flowers and fruit can inspire communication between family members and neighbors.
While cherishing local natural environments, Daiwa House seeks to incorporate lush greenery into cities as we promote urban development that will leave lasting impressions in the memories of the next generation.

Key Points

1. Homes and gardens are connected.

The "Homes and Gardens" Philosophy
"Katei," which is the Japanese word for "home" is comprised of two characters that mean "house" and "garden," respectively. In other words, the place where we live is made up of outdoor and indoor parts that make up the home together. This is why instead of thinking of houses and gardens separately, Daiwa House designs its homes by considering both house and garden components, in order to ensure that we can always live in comfort.

"Air Living" that Connects Indoors, Areas under Eaves, and Outdoors
By coming up with ways to connect the indoors, areas under eaves, and outdoors that match the family's lifestyle, it is possible to create homes that allow people to freely come and go inside and outside without noticing any disparity between the areas. This is accomplished by building homes that let those living inside feel the natural air and light.

Along with the ordinary garden, by extending the area under the eaves with a deck at the same height as the indoor area, it is possible to create a space for growing potted plants that lets the homeowner enjoy "three-dimensional" gardening. Latticed partitions are also designed with ventilation in mind.

The combination of a stone-pitched terrace and a garden presents a space reminiscent of a café terrace. By skillfully arranging plants and skillfully blocking sunlight and lines of sight, it is possible to create a relaxing place to string up a hammock for reading and napping.

A Home Connected with the City's Greenery
From planting flowers that bloom beautifully during each season to growing tall trees that loom overhead, we combine a variety of plants in different sizes both small and large in order to create a sense of three dimensions and depth, while providing the viewer with a beautiful scene that will leave a lasting impression.

2. Connecting to the natural beauty of each region.

Picking Trees Starting with Those Indigenous to the Region
In consideration for the local ecosystem and the natural environment, Daiwa House picks plants with a focus on tree species that grow naturally in the local region, or that have been indigenous to Japan for a long time. By planting a variety of different types of trees that exist in a region, it is possible to provide habitats for matching creatures and foster a healthy ecosystem.
Also, by planting trees that have grown naturally in a region for a long time, and by utilizing local materials and products, Daiwa House seeks to build beautiful cities that fit well with the local scenery and lifestyles.

Using Local Plant Species

A futon basket filled with natural stones creates a porous space for small animals to live.

Living with Birds and Small Animals
Daiwa House plants trees in gardens that bear fruit that can be enjoyed by birds and small animals or eaten by humans. We also install birdbaths that birds can use to rest their wings, as well as birdhouses. In this way, our urban development is designed to encourage coexistence with the animals of the local region.

Wild birds can rest their wings in a birdbath while visiting the garden.

This birdhouse is a place where wild birds can raise their young.

Skillful Use of Evergreen and Deciduous Trees
Trees are broadly divided into two categories: evergreen trees, which remain lush and green with leaves all year round, and deciduous trees, which drop their leaves in the winter.
Evergreen trees do not give much of an impression of changing seasons, but can be used to block lines of sight.
Deciduous trees are enjoyable because they change their appearance with the seasons, and do not block lines of sight as much as evergreen trees do, which makes them useful for presenting spaces that change dramatically. Daiwa House gives consideration to these changing colors when placing trees in order to provide a wide range of enjoyable scenes.

3. Connecting to the city of the future

While creating opportunities to spark the interest of occupants by, for instance, having landscape gardeners hold workshops to teach planting and taking care of plants, Daiwa House also helps build communities that strengthen bonds between citizens and foster trust.
Also, by introducing a "plant management system" for managing plants within a residential site, Daiwa House has created a mechanism for having experts maintain and manage plants until they take root in an area, thereby assisting in the maintenance of a lush green environment.
Furthermore, some cities are formulating scenery agreements and plans with their citizens as mechanisms designed to maintain excellent scenery into the future.

Home occupants learn how to take care of plants in a "garden tree care workshop."

This is the first time* that a group of residents in Japan ever won the Fiscal 2012 Good Design Award for working together with their city to propose a plan for beautiful urban development as part of a cityscape plan, in the Kazusanomori Chiharadai detached housing site.


Number One Ranking Achieved Eight Years in a Row
Approximately Half of Homes Built for Sale Certified as Environmentally Symbiotic Housing
In Fiscal 2014, Daiwa House was ranked #1 for general results in construction in the "Environmentally Symbiotic Housing Certification."

Daiwa House sees "environmentally symbiotic housing" as the homes that will help lead us to a low-carbon and sustainable society, and has used indices indicating the progress of the spread of these homes as an indicator of our track record in working towards "building cities in harmony with nature" as part of our philosophy of "co-creating a brighter future" with the natural environment. As a result of approximately half of Daiwa House's detached homes being certified as environmentally friendly, our construction results achieved a number one ranking in Fiscal 2014.

  • *Environmentally symbiotic housing: In order to make the environment surrounding people and residences a better place, the Institute for Building Environment and Energy Conservation certifies homes built based on a philosophy of "conserving the environment," "harmonized with the surrounding environment," and "healthy and comfortable living environment" as "environmentally symbiotic housing."
  • *The Daiwa House building results are calculated based on sales results.

"SMAxECO City Yoshikawa-Minami" in Yoshikawa, Saitama

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