Environment and EnergyMega Solar
Promoting Limitless and Clean "Renewable Energy"
Oil, coal, natural gas, and other fossil fuels account for most of Japan's energy supply, and Japan is dependent on foreign nations for almost all of these fuels.
In order to reduce the greenhouse gases generated by the use of fossil fuels, it is vital that we aggressively utilize renewable energy that is clean and based on resources that will not be depleted, such as sun light and wind.
It is for this reason that Daiwa House applies its vast experience in construction by designing and offering better power generation systems based on the state of existing buildings and foundations.
Key Point
Proposals that Take Advantage of Our Track Record and Experience Cultivated in the Construction Business
Interest in renewable energy has been on the rise ever since the Great East Japan Earthquake. A Feed-in Tariff Scheme* was established in July 2012, and the infrastructure for the spread of mega solar power is now coming together.
In addition to the prefabricated building and steel pipe structure construction technologies Daiwa House has cultivated over the years, we are also contributing to the spread of mega solar power by applying our scale benefits in procurement as well as our strengths in areas such as the collection of land information.
*Special measure regarding the procurement of renewable energy by electric utilities