Daiwa House Group

Daiwa House Group

Eco-friendly Products & Case

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Environmental Action Plan

Eco-friendly Products & Case

Environment-conscious store developed by combining the latest technologies: Higashi Nagaoka Branch of the Bank of KyotoD's SMART STORE that became the first in Japan*1 to achieve zero CO2 emission

The D's SMART concept of using energy wisely is also implemented into the development of store buildings. A store is a place where many people visit on a daily basis, so it is of particular importance to provide a pleasant inner environment. We shared a strong desire with our customer to develop a building that manages to stay in harmony with nature while also incorporating cutting-edge technologies, in order to create a store that is comfortable without being a burden on the environment. This shared desire resulted in the successful development of an innovative ZEB*2.

  1. *1 As a bank store.
  2. *2 Net zero energy building: A building where its net annual energy consumption amount is zero or approximately zero.

The ultimate store with zero CO2 emission that thoroughly pursues energy conservation and energy creation

We received a request to develop an environment-conscious store for the relocation and new construction of the Higashi Nagaoka Branch of the Bank of Kyoto, to which we responded by utilizing all of our resources. We put in our maximum efforts to contrive ways to reduce CO2 emission, such as by utilizing the know-how that we have accumulated through the construction of D's SMART STORE for retail stores, and by implementing new energy-conservation items that were jointly developed with materials and parts manufacturers, thus succeeding in reducing CO2 emission by approximately 40% compared to traditional stores of the same size. Furthermore, by the request of the customer, we increased the number of solar panels from what was originally planned, thereby establishing the first bank branch in Japan to realize zero CO2 emission. This was the birth of a completely new bank store that gave not only exhaustive efforts towards environmental considerations but also realized an enhanced level of comfort within the building.

Simulation of reduction in CO2 emission amount

Significant energy conservation has been realized by utilizing the know-how that we have accumulated in construction of business and corporate facilities, and by incorporating advanced environmental items. Furthermore, we installed enough solar power generators to exceed the amount of energy consumption, thereby realizing a net amount of zero for both CO2 emission and energy consumption.

Light, wind, water: Implementation of frameworks and advanced technologies that utilize the force of nature

We pursued ways to provide both energy-saving features as well as a pleasantly comfortable inner environment by utilizing advanced technologies to control and make the best use of such natural forces as light, wind, and water. Light, wind, and water are not only a source of energy, but they are also in themselves the elements that help people live in comfort. And the shared and consistent theme that we had with our customer is in how we would utilize such natural elements. We paid particular attention to create a level of light that feels gentle to the human eyes by combining both natural light and LED lighting. We also put our efforts into reducing environmental burden by making use of wind and water. We use solar energy to power the electric vehicles used as sales cars, thereby realizing zero CO2 emission for those vehicles. These and other measures mutually complement one another, thus creating one comprehensive system that accomplishes a high level of environmental conservation. This is the first time such efforts have been put into the building of a store in the service industry, and the results of this facility will be utilized in the developments of future D's SMART STOREs.

Comments from the person in charge

There is value in being able to feel the comfort of natural light and natural wind.

Our thoughts matched those of our customer on the issue of utilizing the powers of nature. I think the people utilizing the new store will feel a new level of comfort that is different from what they had felt before. I was also very happy when the customer appreciated the plan that we had developed, and said "let's take on the challenge of realizing zero CO2 emission." I would like to take this experience to pursue the further development and increased construction of optimal environment-conscious stores.

Chief of Environment & Equipment Group
Planning and Development Division, Construction Business Promotion Department
Kazuki Taniguchi

1. Natural ventilation system
Ventilation windows that open and close naturally even with slight breeze are installed on the east and north sides of the open area (double-skin facade). This allows air-conditioning with natural ventilation during the spring and autumn seasons.

2. Light duct
A technology that uses natural light for lighting. Natural light is brought in from the rooftop down to the first floor, and is used in its direct form to give light to the rooms. The gentleness of natural light is also easy on the eyes.

3. Externally installed roll screen and mist
Of the amount of heat inside a building, 71% come in from the windows. Externally installed roll screens shut out sunlight more efficiently than those installed inside the building, and spraying water on its mesh surface can also increase the efficiency of cool air-conditioning.

4. Natural lighting blinds
The use of light diffusive films for the blind slats help scatter light from the windows to a wide area inside the room. It can brighten the entire room with gentle natural light.

5. High diffuse reflection ceiling
This is a system that diffuses the natural and artificial light to all areas within the room. It significantly improves the brightness of the room in comparison to normal white wallpapers.

6. Top light with solar light reflected to a fixed direction
This is a system that steadily provides sunlight towards a designated direction, even if the height and location of the sun changes. This system is used to brighten the entrance hall during the day.

7. Greening of interior walls
The inner side of the double-skin wall is planted with greens. >From the other side of the window, these greens can be seen rustling from the breeze that go through the building. It has the effect of cleaning the air, and is also expected to have relaxing benefits.

8. Electric vehicles
Electric vehicles are charged using solar power, thereby realizing zero CO2 emission from the vehicles. The charged vehicles can also provide power to the store in times of need, such as during times of disaster.

9. Double-skin facade
A construction method of covering the exterior of the building wall with another layer, such as glass. The space in between is used as a ventilation area to remove heat during the spring to autumn months, and will enhance thermal insulation by storing heat during the winter months.

10. Solar panels
Solar panels of 45.5 kW are installed on the rooftops and the southern wall, as well as at the parking lot, making it possible to generate power that is equivalent to the building's annual power consumption. Zero CO2 emission was achieved by making full use of the spaces that allowed the installation of solar panels.

11. BEMS*
BEMS allows measurement and management of the building's energy consumption level in real time. This allows optimal control of power consumption, helping to pave the way towards an even more efficient use of energy.

*Building Energy Management System

12. Biotope (water area)
A biotope was created on the outer side of the facade, thus reducing the heat island effect while also improving the landscape and also acting as a crime preventative measure. This is also used to gather rain, which is used in spraying water.

Comments from the customers

Our thoughts for our environment has been put into shape, with great response from the public, as we look forward to more in the future.

There is particular significance in making environmental conservation efforts in Kyoto, which is a city rich in historical and cultural heritages, and so we wanted to be the first to create the ultimate eco-friendly store. The bank is also proactive on environmental issues, so we had a good atmosphere to bring this project to shape. Needless to say, I was extremely surprised when Daiwa House said that we would truly be able to realize zero CO2 emission. We have had a large positive response from our customers, and we look forward to implementing these measures at other branch stores in the future.

Credit Officer
General Affairs Division, Bank of Kyoto, Ltd.
Mr. Hironari Hotta

Comments from the customers

We will make a thorough study of the operating situation, and will utilize its results towards our next challenge.

Ever since we began recycling discarded documents at all of our stores in 1998, we have been promoting various measures to help our environment, such as the installation of solar power, planting greeneries, implementing electric vehicles, and the use of LED lights. Bank stores cannot reduce customer convenience or our crime prevention standards for the sake of environmental concerns. And so, it is a huge achievement to have created Japan's most advanced eco-friendly store this time, regardless of such concerns on convenience and crime prevention. We will work with Daiwa House to study the operating situation throughout the seasons, and hope to make even further strides in the future.

General Affairs Division, Bank of Kyoto, Ltd.
Mr. Hisao Takenaka

Comments from the customers

We are able to welcome our customers in comfort, as we feel the natural light and breeze.

The new store is very bright, even with just natural light, so that in some places, we are able to work without the use of artificial lights. In bank business, there is a strong and persistent idea that we should not open the windows for the purpose of crime prevention; and so, it is really innovative to be able to feel a breeze inside the store. We found out that we have too much wind coming into the building during the winter, and so we need to reconsider the way we operate the building on this issue. But during the spring and autumn months, we hope to be able to welcome our customers into a pleasant environment without having to rely on air-conditioners for a longer period of time than before.

Higashi Nagaoka Branch Manager
Bank of Kyoto, Ltd.
Mr. Tetsuji Takayama

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